Thursday, May 30, 2013

To Work or Not to Work: The Choices Mothers Make

Work, stay home or try to find a middle ground?

No business can thrive without the mojo of working mothers. Yet, for women like us who are from the working fraternity who try to juggle family and a full-time job, employment seems rigged as an either/or proposition—you are committed either to your career or your kids, but not both. Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. "Women rarely make one big decision to leave the workforce. Instead, they make a lot of small decisions along the way

Three things women can do to further their careers: don't slow down their career before deciding to start a family, let go of unattainable goals, and make sure their colleagues are aware when women are held to different standards than men (Particularly when women succeed), for them to understand and appreciate at work.

The cultural story of good mothering has not been reconciled yet to reflect working women. There are social rules and the standards are very demanding. There is a structural reality that women live in, and there's a story women tell themselves about their lives -- a story that is impossible to live up to “ To have it all”. There is no way to have it all. But we never give up trying.

Might be we should stop trying to have it all. And acknowledge the sacrifices and hardships that are tougher today because of the expansion of working hours, Cut throt competition, the urge to go side by side to Men & still be successful in raising kids, being good Mom, good wife, good child to our parents, good host to the relatives, to be on top wrt household stuffs, festivals, functions the list goes on… huh.. sometimes its too tiring.. Might be in this whole marathon we just forget about us. "If more women lean in, we can change the power structure of our world and expand opportunities,"

"At the end of the day, we make choices about the kind of people we want to be, and it's so much more than self-sabotaging."

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